Mesonic eightfold way from dynamics and confinement in strongly coupled lattice quantum chromodynamics.
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We show the existence of all the 36 eightfold way mesons and determine their
masses and dispersion curves exactly, from dynamical first principles such as directly
from the quark-fluon dynamics. We also give a proof of confinement below
the two-meson energy threshold. For this purpose, we consider an imaginary time
functional integral representation of a 3 1 dimensional lattice QCD model with
Wilson action, SU 3 f global and SU 3 c local symmetries. We work in the strong
coupling regime, such that the hopping parameter 0 is small and much larger
than the plaquette coupling 1/g0 2 0 1 . In the quantum mechanical
physical Hilbert space H, a Feynman-Kac type representation for the two-meson
correlation and its spectral representation are used to establish an exact rigorous
connection between the complex momentum singularities of the two-meson truncated
correlation and the energy-momentum spectrum of the model. The total spin
operator J and its z-component Jz are defined by using /2 rotations about the
spatial coordinate axes, and agree with the infinitesimal generators of the continuum
for improper zero-momentum meson states. The mesons admit a labelling
in terms of the quantum numbers of total isospin I, the third component I3 of total
isospin, the z-component Jz of total spin and quadratic Casimir C2 for SU 3 f. With
this labelling, the mesons can be organized into two sets of states, distinguished by
the total spin J. These two sets are identified with the SU 3 f nonet of pseudo-scalar
mesons (J=0 and the three nonets of vector mesons J=1,Jz= 1,0 . Within each
nonet a further decomposition can be made using C2 to obtain the singlet state
C2=0 and the eight members of the octet C2=3 . By casting the problem of
determination of the meson masses and dispersion curves into the framework of the
the anaytic implicit function theorem, all the masses m , are found exactly and
are given by convergent expansions in the parameters and . The masses are all
of the form m , =0 m =−2ln −3 2 /2+ 4r with r 0 0 and r real
analytic; for 0,m , +2ln is jointly analytic in and . The masses of the
vector mesons are independent of Jz and are all equal within each octet. All isospin
singlet masses are also equal for the vector mesons. For each nonet and =0, up to
and including O 4 , the masses of the octet and the singlet are found to be equal.
But there is a pseudoscalar-vector meson mass splitting given by 2 4+O 6 and
the splitting persists for 0. For =0, the dispersion curves are all of the form
w p =−2 ln −3 2 /2+ 1
4 2 j=1
3 2 1−cos pj + 4r , p , with r , p const. For
the pseudoscalar mesons, r , p is jointly analytic in and pj, for and Im pj small. We use some machinery from constructive field theory, such as the decoupling
of hyperplane method, in order to reveal the gauge-invariant eightfold way
meson states and a correlation subtraction method to extend our spectral results to
all He, the subspace of H generated by vectors with an even number of Grassmann
variables, up to near the two-meson energy threshold of −4 ln . Combining this
result with a previously similar result for the baryon sector of the eightfold way, we
show that the only spectrum in all H He Ho Ho being the odd subspace below
−4 ln is given by the eightfold way mesons and baryons. Hence, we prove
confinement up to near this energy threshold.
FRANCISCO NETO, A.; O'CARROLL, M. L.; VEIGA, P. A. F. da. Mesonic eightfold way from dynamics and confinement in strongly coupled lattice quantum chromodynamics. Journal of Mathematical Physics, v. 49, p. 072301-1-072301-37, 2008. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 20 jul. 2017.