Tyrosine 151 is part of the substrate activation binding site of bovine trypsin.
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Identification of the substrate activation site of
p-trypsin by a 1:l reacwtiotnh p-diazoniumbenzamidine
chloride was confirmebdy spectral anaylsisP. roteolysis
of Cm-p-benzamidino-azo-@-trypsipnr ovided peptides
containing modified tyrosine residues. The major product,
Ser-146 to Lys-156, which corresponded to labeling
at '&r-151, was recovereidn 35%y ield, and its structure
was demonstrated by amino acid analysis, Edman deg
radation, and mass spectrometry. Yielodfs labeled Tyr-
151, Tyr-39, and Tyr-172,i dentified by peptide analysis,
were in the proportion of 100:7:3. Tyr-l51-(p-benzamidinol-
azo-j3-trypsinis permanently activated, but can be
further activated by substrates. Values of kcat, Ks', and
kc,,. vary from twot o three times the equivalent values
for trypsin. Berenil (4,4'-diazoamino-bis-benzamidine),
a parabolic competitive inhibitoorf ptrypsin, was ah yperbolic
competitive inhibitor of azo-p-trypsin. Thus,
Tyr-151, part of subsite 5'2, affects the catalytic process
and, when modified covalently, permanently activates
trypsin. Equilibrium bindinwgi th berenil supportedt he
kinetic data obtainedw ith substrates. This permitst he
integration of protein modification, kinetics, equilibrium
binding, and crystallographic datao demonstrate
a fine interaction between subsites S1-S3 and5 '2 in trypsin
and azo-p-trypsin, resulting in subtle structural
changes when the native enzyme is covalently modified
at Qr-151.
OLIVEIRA, M. G. de A. et al. Tyrosine 151 is part of the substrate activation binding site of bovine trypsin. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, v. 268, p. 26893-26903, 1993. Disponível em: <http://www.jbc.org/content/268/36/26893.long>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2017.