Planning technological businesses : a study of market positioning and the value chain.

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FERNANDES, J. M.; REIS, L. P.; SERIO, L. C. D. Planning technological businesses : a study of market positioning and the value chain. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, v. 18, n. 3, p. 70-116, mai./jun. 2017. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 03 mai. 2018.
Purpose: To evaluate the applicability, contributions, and adaptations required for a decision support model in the context of a business model’s definition. The business model refers to 10 technological projects. Originality/gap/relevance/implications: The paper attempts to empirically validate the model proposed by Reis, Ladeira, and Fernandes (2015). In this regard, the paper facilitates the interpretation and application of concepts relevant to the business model’s definition, thereby contributing to an estimation between theory and entrepreneurial practice. Key methodological aspects: The research is qualitative and adopts an action research methodology regarding 10 participating projects of the Incentive Program for Innovation held in the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais. We conducted interviews with 38 professionals in order to understand the model’s applicability in different contexts and to assess convergences and differences between each analyzed case. Summary of key results: The model’s application proved to be relevant mainly for the early stages of business planning. The inclusion of the minimum viable product in the model helped with resource design and the development of a product with similar characteristics to market needs. It was suggested that the criteria used to assist the decision-making process were evaluated and selected by the team in accordance with the intended business strategy. Key considerations/conclusions: It is suggested that future research evaluates the inclusion of i) risk analysis and a contingency plan for the proposed business model and ii) the valuation of technology as an important step for projects that include the transfer of technology to established companies.