An explicit direct FEM–BEM coupling procedure for nonlinear dynamics.

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In this work, an explicit direct FEM–BEM coupling procedure is proposed for nonlinear dynamics. In this procedure, each subdomain of the model is analysed separately taking into account proper interface conditions, allowing optimized solver procedures to be applied within each subdomain. In addition, the solution procedure is carried out directly (i.e., without any iterative process), since an explicit time-marching technique is employed within the FEM subdomains. In this context, a locally stabilized central difference approach is utilized, ensuring stability for the FEM analyses, as well as enhanced accuracy. Thus, a very efficient and versatile coupled solution takes place, allowing the direct and independent solution of the subdomains of the model, without regarding critical time-steps limitations within the explicit subdomains. A multi-level time-step algorithm is also considered here, enabling different time-steps to be applied to each subdomain of the model, further improving the flexibility of the coupled analyses. At the end of the paper, numerical applications are presented, illustrating the effectiveness and versatility of the proposed methodology.
Finite elements, Boundary elements, FEM–BEM coupling, Explicit time-domain analysis, Stability
SOARES JÚNIOR, D.; ARAÚJO, F. C. de. An explicit direct FEM–BEM coupling procedure for nonlinear dynamics. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, v. 103, p. 94-100, jun. 2019. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 mar. 2020.