Produção e caracterização de pó de pet – poli(tereftalato de etileno) obtido a partir de garrafas pós-consumo.
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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Materiais. Rede Temática em Engenharia de Materiais, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.
O trabalho tem o objetivo de estudar a produção e caracterização de Pó de PET – Poli( Tereftalato de Etileno), produzido por um processo inovador, a partir de garrafas pósconsumo com o que se espera contribuir para a redução do impacto ambiental devido ao descarte de plástico. A matéria prima utilizada foi garrafas para 2 l de refrigerante, de PET incolor e transparente, das quais foram removidas tampa e rótulo, ao que se seguiu limpeza em água. A cominuição das garrafas foi feita em um equipamento protótipo, desenvolvido no CETEC. O pó obtido foi submetido a peneiramento a seco conforme norma ASMT 4-11/95, usando-se peneiras de 65, 100, 270 e 400 mesh; ensaios de fluidez conforme norma ASTM D1895-96; ensaios para caracterização estrutural que incluíram Difração de Raios-X, Calorimetria Diferencial Exploratório e Microscopia Óptica. Os resultados demonstraram a viabilidade técnica do processo de cominuição utilizado, tendo-se obtido uma taxa de produção de 1g/m por garrafa, com um aproveitamento de 50%. O pó obtido apresenta morfologia variada, constituindo-se de partículas lamelares, fibrosas e variações entre essas. Sua fluidez está entre 1 e 9 g/s, sendo maior para o pó –65/+100 mesh, que se demonstrou adequado para uso em leito fluidizado, como utilizado em sistemas de alimentação de pó para aspersão térmica. Os valores de viscosidade indicam que o processo de cominuição usado provocou degradação do material da garrafa, degradação essa que é maior para as partículas de menor tamanho. A viscosidade intrínseca ficou entre 0,2 e 0,44 para todas as faixas exceto para a faixa –65 a +100 (mesh) que foi de 2,57. A viscosidade inerente ficou entre 0,4 e 0,88 para todas as faixas exceto para a faixa –65 a +100 (mesh) que foi de 5,19.A densidade das partículas apresentou valores ente 1,31 e 1,46 (g/cm3). Sua cristalinidade calculada ficou entre 19 e 35%. Os resultados de difração de Raios–X apresentaram planos cristalinos, ângulos e picos semelhantes aos de PET-resina. __________________________________________________________________________________________
ABSTRACT: The present work is a contribution to the preservation of the environment. It aimed to study the production and characterization of PET – Poli(Ethylene Terephtale) powder, manufactured by a inovative grinding process, directely from pos-consumer beverage bottles. The feed-stoch material was 2 l bevarage bottles, made out of incolor and transparent PET, from which the caps and labels were removed and the bottles rinsed in water. The griding was carried out in a prototype developed in CETEC under contract. Samples from the powder production was screened accordingly to ASMT 4-11/95 standard, using screens with 65, 100, 270 e 400 mesh; flow measurement accordingly to ASTM D1895-96 standard; structural characterization testing, including X-Ray Difraction, Diferencial Scanning Calorimetry and Light Microscopy. The results demonstrate that the processing is technically feaseble, with the throughtput of 1g/m per bottle, with an efficiecy of 50%. The powder particles have a variety of shapes, among them in lamellae, fiberlike and combination of these. Its flowability is between 1 and 9 g/s, being higher for the –65/+100 mesh powder, which is apropriate for fluidized bet, like the ones used for thermal spraying powder feeding. The viscosity of the powders, as measured diluted solution, indicate that feed-stock PET is degraded by the grinding processing, this process being more significant the finer the powder is. The intrinsic viscosity measured is between 0,2 e 0,44 for all the powder ranges studies, except for the –65/+100 mesh, which is 2,57. The inherent viscosity is between 0,4 e 0,88 for all the powder ranges studied, except for the one –65/+100 mesh, which is 5,19. The particles density are between 1,31 e 1,46 g/cm3 and their crystalinity was calcuted and ranged from 19 through 35%. The X-Ray Diffraction data is consistent with previous results, indicating evidences for the the same crystallographic planes as found in PET resin.
ABSTRACT: The present work is a contribution to the preservation of the environment. It aimed to study the production and characterization of PET – Poli(Ethylene Terephtale) powder, manufactured by a inovative grinding process, directely from pos-consumer beverage bottles. The feed-stoch material was 2 l bevarage bottles, made out of incolor and transparent PET, from which the caps and labels were removed and the bottles rinsed in water. The griding was carried out in a prototype developed in CETEC under contract. Samples from the powder production was screened accordingly to ASMT 4-11/95 standard, using screens with 65, 100, 270 e 400 mesh; flow measurement accordingly to ASTM D1895-96 standard; structural characterization testing, including X-Ray Difraction, Diferencial Scanning Calorimetry and Light Microscopy. The results demonstrate that the processing is technically feaseble, with the throughtput of 1g/m per bottle, with an efficiecy of 50%. The powder particles have a variety of shapes, among them in lamellae, fiberlike and combination of these. Its flowability is between 1 and 9 g/s, being higher for the –65/+100 mesh powder, which is apropriate for fluidized bet, like the ones used for thermal spraying powder feeding. The viscosity of the powders, as measured diluted solution, indicate that feed-stock PET is degraded by the grinding processing, this process being more significant the finer the powder is. The intrinsic viscosity measured is between 0,2 e 0,44 for all the powder ranges studies, except for the –65/+100 mesh, which is 2,57. The inherent viscosity is between 0,4 e 0,88 for all the powder ranges studied, except for the one –65/+100 mesh, which is 5,19. The particles density are between 1,31 e 1,46 g/cm3 and their crystalinity was calcuted and ranged from 19 through 35%. The X-Ray Diffraction data is consistent with previous results, indicating evidences for the the same crystallographic planes as found in PET resin.
Garrafas PET, Tereftalato de etileno, Reciclagem - indústria, Moagem, Pó - garrafas PET
MELO, J. W. Produção e caracterização de pó de pet – poli(tereftalato de etileno) obtido a partir de garrafas pós-consumo. 2004. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Materiais) – Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, 2004.