The competences developed by the petroleum segment equipment inspection engineer.

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The equipment inspection engineer is responsible for the monitoring, control and maintenance of the integrity, as well as the extension of useful life of the equipment in service of process units of the most varied productive segments such as chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas. The way in which the professional career of the engineers is conducted presents several possibilities of discussion in the scope of Technological Education, one of these is the analysis of the training courses of the Corporate Universities. The Corporate University is development system based on the management of by skills, and provides for the development of business and human skills considered critical for the viability of business strategies. This paper proposes a discussion about the competencies developed by the professional engineers of equipment inspection that operate in the oil industry segment.
Enginnering, Oil
NICACIO, J. A. P.; TONINI, A. M. The competences developed by the petroleum segment equipment inspection engineer. The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, v. 4, n. 4, p. 1-7, 2018. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 9 maio 2019.