Edge computing smart healthcare cooperative architecture for COVID-19 medical facilities.

Intelligent healthcare systems are a topic of interest in recent approaches due to novel possibilities created from edge hardware and software development. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic displayed the urge to speed up technological systems development to aid medical facilities. In this context, solutions must enhance the experience of both patients and healthcare professionals. Thus, we propose a novel cooperative architecture to improve healthcare facilities involved in pandemic control. On the one hand, this solution helps a faster recognition and link to the patients’ data using reality augmentation resources. On the other hand, it helps monitor the conditions of medical pro- fessionals working in the facility and exposed to contamination danger.
Smart healthcare, Cooperative systems
SILVA, M. C. et al. Edge computing smart healthcare cooperative architecture for COVID-19 medical facilities. IEEE Latin America Transactions, v. 20, n. 10, p. 2229-2235, 2022. Disponível em: <https://latamt.ieeer9.org/index.php/transactions/article/view/6843>. Acesso em: 06 jul. 2023.