Cross-over, thresholds, and interactions between science and technology : lessons for less-developed countries.

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Presently, science is an important precondition for the economic development of less-developed countries. This paper discusses the specific roles that science has at initial stages of development, pointing to its contributions for the countries’ absorptive capability. Furthermore, this paper specifies the role of science for initiating a positive interaction with technological development, since initial stages of development and during catching up processes. For less-developed countries, neither the linear model of technology nor an “inverted linear model” would take place: a more interactive approach is necessary for development. Using statistics of patents (USPTO) and scientific papers (ISI) for 120 countries (1974, 1982, 1990, and 1998), this paper analyses some evidences on thresholds levels of scientific production to originate an interactive relationship between science and technology. These data also document that the value of this threshold seems to double from one period to another. Although this paper presents tentative results, some policy implications are discussed: scientific institutional building must be seen as a component of modern industrial policies.
Economic development, Less-developed countries, Science and technology
BERNARDES, A. T. ; ALBUQUERQUE, E. da M. e. Cross-over, thresholds, and interactions between science and technology : lessons for less-developed countries. Research Policy, v. 32, p.865-885, 2003. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 12 jun. 2012.