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Item Por que não transportar e criar espécies de abelhas-sem-ferrão fora de suas regiões de ocorrência natural?(2024) Nunes, Carlos Eduardo Pereira; Matos, Carolina Roberta Alves de; Santos, Charles Fernando dos; Menezes, Cristiano; Paula, Débora Pires; Alves, Denise Araujo; Pereira, Fábia de Mello; Oliveira, Favízia Freitas de; Baronio, Gudryan J.; Resende, Helder Canto; Romanowski, Helena Piccoli; Santos Júnior, José Eustáquio dos; Hipólito, Juliana; Freitas, Leandro; Castro, Lucas Benício de; Carvalheiro, Luísa G.; Castro, Marina Siqueira de; Martins, Marlúcia Bonifácio; Marini Filho, Onildo João; Tavares, Patrícia Ferreira; Nocelli, Roberta Cornélio Ferreira; Itabaiana, Yasmine Antonini; Rech, André RodrigoO Brasil possui uma alta riqueza de abelhas nativas sem ferrão (ANSF), com espécies com distribuição ampla e outras com distribuição mais restrita. Algumas dessas espécies estão listadas como ameaçadas de extinção e as causas são diver- sas. Assim, mantê-las em seus locais de origem é fundamental para evitar ainda mais o declínio de suas populações. Neste artigo apresentamos informações cintíficas que embasam a posição contrária ao transporte e criação de colônias de ANSF fora de suas regiões de ocorrência natural (ou áreas de distribuição histórica). Apresentamos ferramentas para auxiliar na tomada de decisão de públicos diversos, seja por legisladores, por meliponicultores, educadores, hobbystas. Primeiramente, apresentamos uma revisão das evidências sobre impactos do transporte de espécies para fora da sua área natural de ocorrência e sobre a biodiversidade em geral. Depois, tratamos dos aspectos sanitários envolvidos na movimentação de colônias de ANSF para além das suas regiões de ocorrência natural. Então, apontamos as consequências genéticas para as próprias abelhas movimentadas e dos impactos sobre a fauna existente no local, que passa a interagir com as espécies não-nativas que foram deslocadas. Ainda, nos aprofundamos em aspectos ecológicos relacionados às interações entre as plantas e as abelhas já existentes nas comunidades invadidas. Ao final, indicamos os dispositivos legais que fundamentam a recomendação científica de evitar que abelhas nativas, de qualquer localidade do território brasileiro, sejam movimentadas para além desuas regiões de ocorrência natural com objetivo de criação, trazendo considerações finais e recomendações. Uma lista sintetizando os 10 principais argumentos contra deslocamentos, baseados em estudos científicos, é apresentada abaixo. Outra lista, com 10 recomendações para o transporte e criação de ANSF, é apresentada ao final do artigo.Item Um terrário no aquário : o experimento e a experiência como atividade ética e estética.(2023) Almeida, Sheila Alves de; Pereira, Bárbara Luiza AlvesEste trabalho consiste na compreensão dos sentidos atribuídos à experiência, enquanto atos éticos e estéticos de dois fragmentos de aula de ciências nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental, em que se construiu um terrário. Para desenvolver a investigação, buscou-se auxílio, especialmente, nas teorias de Bakhtin, Benjamin e Larrosa. O objetivo era analisar a compreensão da experiência de construção de um terrário por uma professora e alunos. Importante nesta investigação é que a aula com o terrário se apresenta no processo dialético em que o experimento só encontra sentido no dialogismo. Nesta perspectiva, a atividade experimental não é ação isolada do sujeito que a propõe. A investigação remete à necessidade de as professoras que ensinam Ciências nos anos iniciais vivam o sabor de ensinar ciências com experimentos, vivam ex-postas à experiência de ensinar como sujeitos da experiência descrita por Larrosa.Item Ten principles for restoring campo rupestre, a threatened tropical, megadiverse, nutrient-impoverished montane grassland.(2023) Arruda, André Jardim; Mendes, Natália Ferreira; Fiorini, Cecília Fonseca; Ordóñez Parra, Carlos Andrés; Campos, Roberta Dayrell de Lima; Messeder , João Vitor de Sousa; Zanetti, Marcílio; Wardil, Mariana Valentina; Paiva, Dario Caminha; Kozovits, Alessandra Rodrigues; Buisson, Elise; Stradic, Soizig Le; Silveira, Fernando A. O.To achieve the ambitious goals of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, restoration frameworks should embrace the diversity of ecosystems found on Earth, including open-canopy ecosystems, which have been largely overlooked. Considering the paucity of scientific foundations promoting restoration science, policy, and practice for open tropical ecosystems, we provide overarching guidelines to restore the campo rupestre, a Neotropical, open megadiverse grassland that has been increasingly threatened by multiple human activities, especially mining. Restoration techniques for tropical grasslands are still at its infancy, and attempts to restore campo rupestre have had, so far, low to moderate success, highlighting the need for a tailored restoration framework. In a scenario of increasing degradation and scarcity of on-site restoration experiments, we propose 10 principles to improve our ability to plan, implement, and monitor restoration in campo rupestre: (1) include socioeconomic dimensions, (2) implement active restoration, (3) keep low soil fertility, (4) restore disturbance regimes, (5) address genetic structure and adaptation potential, (6) restore geographically restricted and specialized ecological interactions, (7) incorporate functional approaches, (8) use seed-based restoration strategies to enhance biodiversity, (9) translocation is inevitable, and (10) long-term monitoring is mandatory. Our principles represent the best available evidence to support better science and practice for the restoration of campo rupestre and, to some extent, can be useful for other megadiverse, fire-prone, and nutrient-poor ecosystems.Item Temporalidade da floração em áreas de campo limpo seco e úmido na Chapada do Couto, Serra do Espinhaço Meridional-MG, Brasil.(2023) Pataca, Letícia Cândida; Silva, Alexandre Christofaro; Rech, André Rodrigo; Lourenço, Anete Pedro; Costa, Darah Batista; Tassinari, Diego; Machado, Evandro Luiz Mendonça; Costa, Fabiane Nepomuceno; Paula, Lúcia Maria Pôrto de; Itabaiana, Yasmine Antonini; Mendonça Filho, Carlos VictorA Serra do Espinhaço Meridional apresenta enorme biodiversidade, com vegetação caracterizada pelo predomínio de formações campestres (campos rupestres e campos limpos) intercaladas por formações florestais (capões de mata). O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a temporalidade da floração em áreas de campos limpos secos e úmidos (onde ocorrem os ecossistemas de turfeiras), buscando evidenciar a variação temporal de aspectos reprodutivos da vegetação (cor das flores) e o efeito da antropização. Parte das áreas estudadas encontra-se protegida pela unidade de conservação de proteção integral do Parque Estadual do Rio Preto, enquanto as outras áreas são adjacentes, mas fora da unidade de conservação e sujeitas à antropização pelo pastejo e fogo. As áreas foram percorridas mensalmente para coleta de material botânico e registro das espécies em floração, sendo enquadradas em seis categorias de cores (branco, amarelo, laranja, vermelho, rosa/roxo e azul). A área protegida apresentou maior riqueza de espécies (96) que a área não protegida (83), não sendo atingida estabilidade na curva do coletor. A maioria das espécies apresentou eventos anuais de floração, sendo que mais da metade delas foi observada em apenas um mês, com maior concentração na época chuvosa, indicando uma “estação de florescimento” anual. O branco foi a cor predominante nas flores (principalmente Asteraceae e Eriocaulaceae), seguida do rosa/ roxo (Melastomataceae) e amarelo (Asteraceae e Xyridaceae). Enquanto as cores associadas a visitantes mais generalistas (branco e amarelo) apresentaram floração mais marcada pela sazonalidade, as flores associadas a sistemas mais especializados (vermelho e laranja) apresentaram floração aparentemente mais contínua ao longo do tempo.Item Temperament of psittaciformes : a systematic review.(2024) Almeida, Gustavo Nunes de; Ramos, Gabriela; Jesus, Larissa Gomes de; Branco, Maria Eduarda Caçador; Azevedo, Cristiano Schetini de; Sant’Anna, Aline CristinaThe study of temperament of the order Psittaciformes has been expanding over the past decades due to the publication of papers investigating individual differences in various species. This review aimed to integrate studies on the temperament of Psittaciformes in a systematized manner, focusing on methodological aspects. It also aimed to reveal the main dimensions of temperament described for these species, identify possible gaps and suggest new themes that deserve the scientific community’s attention. The Preferred Reporting Items for Sys- tematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology was followed, and the search was conducted using Population, Intervention, and Context (PICo) terms. Three databases were used (Scopus, Web of Science, and CABI), resulting in a total of 24 publications included. The most used term to express consistent interindividual behavioral differences was ‘personality’ (11; 45.83 %), followed by ‘temperament’ (8; 33.33 %), without a clear distinction of both in this research field. Studies on temperament were conducted within the families Psittacidae (18; 75 %), Psittaculidae (4; 16.67 %) and Cacatuidae (2; 8.33 %), with the genus Amazona being the most investigated (14; 58.33 %). Regarding context, all papers used animals under human care (kept in captive environments). In total, 22 temperament dimensions were compiled, with ‘boldness’ (or ‘shy-bold’ axis or ‘shyness-boldness’), ‘neophobia/neophilia’, ‘exploration’, and ‘vigilance’ being the most common. Quantitative methods of assessment (coding) were more commonly applied, being used in 19 (79.17 %) publications, compared to qualitative ones (rating methods). Among the factors related to temperament, pre- and post-release behavior was the most investigated (5; 20.83 %). We could conclude that studies were concentrated on a few taxonomic groups, highlighting the need to broaden the subjects studied, including other families, genera, and species. Furthermore, it would be interesting to expand the temperament evaluations into wild contexts to better un- derstand consistent interindividual differences in parrots’ natural behaviors. More efforts should be directed towards methodological and conceptual standardization, in addition to applying temporal consistency analyses. Some additional gaps that have not been studied yet include research on the genetic basis, as well as morpho- physiological and neuroendocrine mechanisms underlying temperament in Psittaciformes.Item Sobrevivemos a pandemia de COVID-19 : alguns apontamentos para não esquecermos.(2024) Silva, Fábio Augusto Rodrigues eItem The scientist eyes : monitoring YouTube to quantify aquatic pet release in Brazil.(2024) Magalhães, André Lincoln Barroso; Azevedo, Cristiano Schetini de; Veiga, Alberto Maceda; Patoka, JiříThis study shows how YouTubeTM, a popular video website, is a powerful tool to document and improve our ability to manage freshwater pet release in Brazil. Based on a series of 24 videos chosen randomly using 19 standardized keywords posted by pet-keeping YouTubers between January 1, 2020 and March 20, 2023 (650 h of searching time), we documented the intentional release of 12 translocated and fve non-native species involving 11 fsh species, two freshwater stingray species, two freshwater turtle species, one freshwater crab species, and one crayfsh species in multiple watersheds/ecoregions of Brazil. This is the frst record of intentional introduction for 17 species in Brazilian inland waters. The main drivers behind pet release were excessive growth, “agree-ableness” (i.e., compassion, pet owner’s reluctance to euthanize the animal), and aggressive behavior. The videos documented the release of multiple freshwater pets in numerous freshwater ecosystems. Pet releases were predominantly into rural freshwater ecosystems rather than urban, with an introduction hotspot identi- fed in the Southeast region. This fnding is important because pet release is more common in urban than rural areas. While colonization pressure (i.e., number of translocated/non-native species that each pet owner released) was high, overall propagule pressure (i.e., number of individuals of a translocated/non-native species released into a region) was low with a total of 49 individuals released over the monitored period. Proactive management is key in reducing the incidence of pet release in Brazil, attainable through transforming pet shop owners into disseminators of correct information about species traits. Environmental authorities should create “Non-native Pet Amnesty Day” to provide the opportunity for people to surrender their non-native aquatic pets; YouTubers can engage in awareness actions on YouTubeTM such as show the negative efects that aquatic pets can cause if introduced into the wild; Brazilian scientists turn into “science YouTubers” and provide arguments that can be used to disseminate reliable scientifc messages about freshwater pet release.Item Querido Einstein : a divulgação científica nas correspondências do cientista às crianças.(2024) Cunha, Joyce Loraine Lopes; Almeida, Sheila Alves deEinstein é um dos nomes de maior impacto no campo científico. Além disso, o físico se correspondia com crianças de diversas partes do mundo. Os documentos pertinentes podem ser consultados no livro Querido profesor Einstein: correspondencia entre Albert Einstein y los niños, que é precisamente o corpus desta investigação. Focando na temática científica, o objetivo central da pesquisa consiste em analisar as estratégias discursivas textuais empregadas pelo cientista para divulgar ciência às crianças, bem como identificar os elementos característicos do gênero de divulgação científica direcionado a esse público, presentes nas cartas. Nas cartas de Einstein, destaca-se o discurso didático, aspectos como a dimensão lúdica, o humor, a transgressão e a interpelação, com um uso de palavras que aproximam o público presumido dos conteúdos científicos. A existência das cartas de Einstein segue como um raro exemplo de um contato de um cientista renomado que se propõe a dialogar com as crianças.Item Presença do tetra transgênico Gymnocorymbus ternetzi no Brasil : uma ameaça genética aos congêneres nativos.(2023) Magalhães, André Lincoln Barroso; Pires, Maria Rita Silvério; Santos, Viviane Martins Rebello dos; Cozzuol, Mario Alberto; Scotto, Carlos; Vitule, Jean Ricardo Simões; Pelicice, Fernando MayerItem Plant-pollinator interaction in a peatland ecosystem in Minas Gerais, Brazil(2023) Beyer, Hannah; Mendonça Filho, Carlos Victor; Tassinari, Diego; Pataca, Letícia Cândida; Itabaiana, Yasmine AntoniniThe Espinhaço Mountain Range is an important complex of mountains and plateaus within the Brazilian Cerrado. Within this area we can found peatlands ecosystem, which are important carbon reservoirs and home of a variety of plants and their floral visitors. We investigated if there are differences in the planta-visitor community between protected peatlands(Rio Preto State Park) and unprotected peatlands (Araçuai river). To conduct the research, six field trips of three days each (between October 2021 and November 2022) were conducted to sample plants and their Floral visitors. For comparison, the areas were divided into wet (peatlands) and dry grasslands. We sampled 284 individuals of floral visitors from 107 species visiting 45 plant species. In the protected area we found 62 floral visitors species visiting 33 plant species and in the non-protected area 58 floral visitor’s species in 26 plant species. We also found higher Floral visitors richness in the wet areas (peatlands) (82 species) compared with dry areas (grasslands) (36 species). Furthermore, wet areas show higher abundance and richness of Floral visitors. Plant communities show some similarities, although they have different blooming periods.Item Ex-post impact assessment on a large environmental disaster.(2024) Franco, Tarcila; Almeida, Stéfano Zorzal; Sá, Fabian; Bianchini, Adalto; Dergam, Jorge Abdala; Sant’anna, Eneida Maria Eskinazi; Albino, Jacqueline; Vieira, Laura Silveira; Santos, Lara Gabriela Magioni; Ribeiro, Anna Paula Lage; Bastos, Alex CardosoImpact assessments following environmental disasters must be quick and in accessible language so that decision-makers and affected populations are aware of the main impacts and can target recovery measures. After the collapse of the Fundão dam (Minas Gerais, Brazil) in November 2015, an extensive monitoring program was implemented to understand the aquatic environmental situation and associated biodiversity status after the spill of the iron ore tailings in a large and highly populated watershed, that reached the Atlantic Ocean along the southeast Brazilian coast. A monitoring programme faced several challenges, including the large volume of data to be analysed, which difficult an objective environmental diagnosis and the communication between technical teams and decision makers. In this context, an impact matrix was proposed as a tool for assessing the environmental proxy results and summarizing the results obtained. The proposed Impact Matrix is an interaction matrix adaptation which consists of quantifying the impacts using pre-defined criteria and scores. Expert panels assessed the link between environmental measures and objectives by scoring the specific criteria. As an interaction matrix, the impact matrix is made up of two intersecting axes: the identified impact and the affected environmental compartments (whether abiotic or biotic). The final impact matrix is reached by summing up the score for the criteria on each of the identified intersections. The impact matrix is a supervised approach focused on provide relatively simple tool to apply and, when carried out periodically in parallel with a monitoring programme, it makes it possible to observe temporal trends in the evolution of the environment after the event causing the impact. The impact matrix can also serve as feedback to the monitoring programme itself, when used in an adaptive management approach.Item Nuclear and chloroplast molecular markers for a tropical tree in dry forests.(2023) Brandão, Murilo Malveira; Vieira, Fábio de Almeida; Moreira, Patrícia de Abreu; Fajardo, Cristiane Gouvêa; Melo Júnior, Afrânio Farias de; Santos, Rubens Manoel dos; Carvalho, Dulcinéia deThe seasonal dry tropical forests (SDTFs) on limestone outcrops are peculiar formations subject to degradation by the removal of timber and exploitation of limestone for cement production. The species Ceiba pubiflora (Malvaceae) is conspicuous in limestone outcrops in Brazil. This work aimed to select nuclear primers Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) for application in studies aimed at genetic diversity and phylogeographic inferences in natural populations of C. pubiflora. After DNA extraction, the samples went through the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), electrophoresis and sequencing. We utilized a total of eight ISSR primers that exhibited the most optimal amplification profiles. This led to the identification of a combined total of 95 loci, along with the successful sequencing of five cpDNA regions, all achieving a satisfactory level of resolution. Thus, the selected molecular markers are suitable to study of the genetic diversity of populations and phylogeography of C. pubiflora and other species of the genus.Item Semiaquatic bugs (Insecta, Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Gerromorpha) from Parque Natural Municipal das Andorinhas, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais state, Brazil.(2023) Machado, Gustavo Lisboa Vieira; Magalhães, Oséias Martins; Carneiro, Marco Antonio Alves; Moreira, Felipe Ferraz FigueiredoWe present a survey of the semiaquatic bugs (Insecta, Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Gerromorpha) from Parque Natural Municipal das Andorinhas and adjacent areas, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais state, southeastern Brazil. Thirteen species are recorded from the locality based on regular collection events, namely Brachymetra albinervus (Amyot & Serville, 1843); Cylindrostethus palmaris Drake & Harris, 1934; Halobatopsis delectus Drake & Harris, 1941; Ha. platensis (Berg, 1879); Metrobates plaumanni genikos Nieser, 1993; Neogerris kontos Nieser, 1994 (Gerridae); Hydrometra fruhstorferi Hungerford & Evans, 1934 (Hydrometridae); Platyvelia brachialis (Stål, 1860); Rhagovelia macta Drake & Carvalho, 1955; R. robusta Gould, 1931; R. sbolos Nieser & Melo, 1997; R. triangula Drake, 1953; and R. trianguloides Nieser & Melo, 1997 (Veliidae).Item Narrativas no ensino de ciências : histórias de atingidos pelo crime socioambiental da Samarco.(2024) Marcos, Regiane Teixeira; Silva, Fábio Augusto Rodrigues eEste artigo se propôs a investigar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem em aulas de Ciências, através da realização de uma oficina de produção de narrativas sobre as memórias de adolescentes da comunidade de Bento Rodrigues. Os participantes deste estudo são alunos do Ensino Fundamental que foram residentes da área afetada pelo desastre decorrente do rompimento da Barragem de Fundão, um evento socioambiental que ocorreu em novembro de 2015 e que os forçou a se distanciar de sua terra natal. A produção das narrativas dos estudantes foi embasada nos conceitos das bionarrativas sociais. Na análise dos dados, utilizamos os princípios da teoria Ator- rede, que destaca as conexões entre diversos elementos humanos e não-humanos, permitindo-nos compreender a aprendizagem como resultado de redes sociotécnicas, influenciada por diversas interações. Observamos que a oficina de criação de narrativas promoveu a produção de textos únicos, impregnados de memórias, experiências e emoções que oferecem um vislumbre do impacto do desastre da Samarco na vida dos afetados.Item Molecular sexing and its relationship with the semi-concealed yellow coronal patch of the white-throated spadebill platyrinchus mystaceus cancromus.(2023) Cabral, Jéssica Aparecida Bessa de; Lopes, Vitor Leandro; Moreira, Patrícia de AbreuIn sexually monomorphic species, sex iden?fica?on by molecular techniques is an important alterna?ve. In this study, we employed molecular sexing to determine the sex of seven adult females, two immature females, one female with missing age data, and 21 adult males of White-throated Spadebills Platyrinchus mystaceus cancromus. The sex and age of each individual were associated with the presence or absence of a semi-concealed yellow coronal patch, typical of the species. All males displayed the semi-concealed patch, and four out of seven adult females also exhibited it. One of the two juvenile females exhibited a patch. The female with missing age data also exhibited the patch. This finding disputes previous reports that juveniles of this species do not have coronal patches. We conclude that semi-concealed yellow coronal patches are not sexually dimorphic in White-throated Spadebills. Both sexes can have a patch, but adults who do not have them are females.Item As marcas das aulas de ciências na memória das alunas de pedagogia.(2023) Almeida, Sheila Alves deNeste estudo, buscamos as narrativas como instrumental educativo para a pesquisa. Analisamos as memórias em textos escritos de alunas da Pedagogia. Fundamentadas nessa perspectiva, que toma a linguagem como ferramenta cultural usada para intercambiar experiências, será identificada nas histórias das alunas de pedagogia o que passou e tocou as alunas nas aulas de ciências ao longo de seu percurso como alunas. Não se trata apenas de identificar neste trabalho o que foi lembrado ou esquecido. Mas tentar compreender no fio que conduz e reconduz o discurso o que nos dizem certos elementos das aulas que são lembrados e aqueles outros que foram “esquecidos”. As categorias que serviram à análise das narrativas escritas das estudantes de Pedagogia foram o cronotopo do encontro, da aventura e da metamorfose. As narrativas levam à compreensão de diferentes sentidos das aulas de ciências. As narrativas levam à compreensão dos sentidos que as aulas de ciências vão se configurando para elas para o seu ofício de ensinar e à compreensão de como e porque algumas práticas pedagógicas persistem ao longo do tempo.Item Long-term monitoring of the columnar cactus Cipocereus minensis reveals unforeseeable reproductive phenology.(2024) Mendonça Filho, Carlos Victor; Souza, Julya Pires; Lopes, Liliane Lima; Itabaiana, Yasmine AntoniniPhenological studies with species of cactus have grown in recent decades but the number of species studied remains very low, considering the high species richness of this group. In addition, temporal patterns of flowering and fruiting are important to understanding the processes that govern these crucial events of plant demography and ecology. Based on a five-year study of the reproductive phenology of C. minensis we asked if there is seasonality of flowering and fruiting. Secondly, we tested which climatic variables trigger C. minensis reproductive events in the Espinhaço region. We found that not all individuals produced flowers and fruits each year and a few individuals contributed with most flowers. Flower and immature fruit production is higher during the dry months, with fruits maturing during the rainy season or just before. In general, phenological events were seasonal, except for mature fruit production in 2010 and flower production in 2011. Some phenological traits such as flower timing, frequency, duration, and timing of immature fruit production had not been reported for the genus Cipocereus and were detected only because of the long-term phenological observations. Phenological heterogeneity in cactus might be a response to annual climatic fluctuations, mainly rainfall.Item Landscape configuration as a proxy for the occurrence and conservation of forest birds in peri-urban and urban environments.(2024) Duarte, Tulaci Bhakti Faria; Azevedo, Cristiano Schetini de; Goulart, Fernando Figueiredo; Pena, João Carlos Castro; Itabaiana, Yasmine AntoniniBirds’ responses to landscape configuration in urban and peri-urban areas are still poorly known. How landscape configuration (structure and function) influences the occurrence of 10 forest bird species in an urban and peri-urban area was evaluated, and this study investigated: (i) which structural metric of forest fragments (size, proximity, and distance from other fragments) is mostly related to the occurrence of bird species in forest fragments, and (ii) if fragment connectivity and the level of legal protection of forest fragments are related to the number of bird species (functional metrics). It was found that both landscape structure and functionality had a significant influence on the occurrence of forest bird species. Fragment size was correlated with the presence of six bird species, being secondarily associated with other metrics. The largest fragments had the strictest protection levels, while most small fragments lacked legal protection. Fragment size, along with the proximity among them (i.e., configurational metrics), emerged as the most important factors contributing to the increase in landscape matrix permeability for birds. Furthermore, it was found that peri-urban green areas played an important role in the conservation of forest birds, as they facilitate connectivity to smaller fragments inside urban regions. These results can be used as tools for landscape management based on models that properly represent landscape structure and biological response to that physical structure. This knowledge is essential to guarantee efficient management, promoting biological conservation, maintaining ecosystem services, and enabling sustainable use of natural resources.Item Insect galls of the Chapada Diamantina, Rio de Contas, Bahia, Brazil.(2024) Araújo, Tainar de Jesus; Maia, Valéria Cid; Carneiro, Marco Antonio Alves; Silva, Juliana SantosWe surveyed insect galls and their host plants in areas of Caatinga and Cerrado in the municipality of Rio de Contas, in the extreme south of the Chapada Diamantina (Bahia state), between 703 and 1,897 m altitude, in order to contribute to the knowledge and conservation of local biodiversity. The survey was conducted in eight locations, adopting the random walking methodology for sampling, four in Caatinga and four in Cerrado, covering distinct phytophysiognomies (cerrado sensu stricto, gallery forest, shrubby caatinga, riparian forest, and rocky field). Eighty-four different insect gall morphotypes were reported, 48 (57.14%) of them on 42 host species in Cerrado and 36 (42.86%) on 24 host species in Caatinga. Most galls occurred on leaves (48.72%) and were globoid (53.76%), glabrous (52.92%), isolated (55.44%), usually one-chambered (61.32%), and brown (25.2%). The gall-inducing insects identified belonged to Lepidoptera (n = 1), Thysanoptera (n = 1), Hemiptera (n = 2), and Diptera (Cecidomyiidae) (n = 16). This was the first inventory of galls in the Chapada Diamantina, so all records are new for the region. We also recorded the first occurrences of galls on two Cerrado plant species and on two in the Caatinga. We found a significant positive correlation between gall richness and plant species richness, suggesting that radiation of gall-inducing insects may be associated with plant species richness.Item The influence of climate and the presence of predators on the daily activity pattern of collared peccaries (Dicotyles tajacu, Cetartiodactyla).(2024) Santos, Debora Bohrer dos; Viana Junior, Arleu Barbosa; Duarte, Gabriela Teixeira; Pires, Maria Rita Silvério; Azevedo, Cristiano Schetini deCollared peccaries (Dicotyles tajacu, Cetartiodactyla) adjust their daily activity patterns in response to different factors, such as the presence of predators or climatic factors (temperature and rainfall), as a way of ensuring survival. The knowledge of these patterns allows us to understand the interspecific interactions of the community. This study measured daily activity of the collared peccary, and evaluated how different climatic conditions, and the presence of predators influenced their activity patterns. Data were obtained from eight camera traps over 13months in the Municipality of Ouro Preto, Brazil. The daily activity periods of collared peccaries and their predators were evaluated and the animals classified as diurnal, nocturnal, crepuscular, or cathemeral. Camera-trap records were used to assess whether temperature and rainfall affected daily activity patterns in peccaries. We found that neither rainfall nor temperature influence the activity pattern. Peccary activity overlapped with the activity of local predators. A low level of overlap was recorded with the activity of Puma concolor and high level of overlap with the activity of Leopardus pardalis, Canis lupus familiaris, and human activity. The low activity overlap of collared peccaries with P.concolor may be related to an attempt to decrease predation risk, while the high activity overlaps with domestic dogs and humans may be related to the low hunting pressure exerted in the region and also to the foraging opportunities for peccaries in areas closer to human settlements, where orchards are present. The high activity overlap with L.pardalis can be related to the smaller size of this predator and the aggressive group anti-predator behaviour of the collared peccary. Our results show that collared peccaries can adjust their daily activity when an apex predator is present, but this adjustment is not generalized to all predators.