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Cantando Ciências : uma sequência didática integrando música e o ensino de vida e universo nos anos finais do ensino fundamental.
(2024) Rodes, Nathália de Assis; Cruz, Luciana Hoffert Castro; Barros, Marcelo Diniz Monteiro de; Patrocínio, Sandra de Oliveira Franco; Cruz, Luciana Hoffert Castro
A presente pesquisa desenvolveu uma sequência didática que incorporou músicas cujas letras contêm termos científicos, visando sua utilização nas aulas de Ciências sobre os temas Sol, Lua e Terra. A proposta teve como principal objetivo fornecer um material didático que auxiliasse os professores na implementação dessa abordagem pedagógica, aproximando os estudantes dos conteúdos de maneira prazerosa e envolvente. Embasada em um referencial teórico abrangente, a pesquisa considerou estudos de renomados autores como Barros et al. (2013), Zabala (1998), Louro e Nigro (2021) e Lima (2018). Esses estudos destacaram a eficácia da utilização de recursos alternativos ou complementares, como a música, no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, além de ressaltar a importância das sequências didáticas e do papel do professor na educação contemporânea. Além disso, as músicas escolhidas abrangeram diferentes épocas e estilos musicais, buscando diversificar as referências e atender aos variados gostos dos alunos, tornando as aulas mais dinâmicas e atrativas. Espera-se que o material desenvolvido, com sua abordagem multifacetada, seja uma ferramenta valiosa para os professores de Ciências do oitavo ano do ensino fundamental. A expectativa é que essa sequência didática ajude a despertar o interesse dos estudantes pela ciência, incentivando uma aprendizagem ativa e engajadora.
Análise da percepção do uso de cigarros eletrônicos no Brasil por meio de comentários no YouTube.
(2024) Dias , Aline Martins; Tanure, Richardy Rodrigues; Almeida, Jussara Marques de; Lima, Helen de Cássia Sousa da Costa; Ferreira, Carlos Henrique Gomes; Lana
The rise of video platforms such as YouTube has revolutionized
information sharing and influenced social habits and product consumption. At the same time, the diverse global regulatory landscape
and ongoing studies on the health effects of e-cigarettes have led
to intense and controversial debates. Amidst this, the production
of content about e-cigarettes on the internet is rapidly increasing,
particularly on YouTube, one of the most popular video platforms
globally and the most popular in Brazil. Despite the growing body
of research focused on understanding online interactions with ecigarettes, there is a lack of comprehensive and detailed temporal
analyses that capture the dynamics of the debate and people’s stance
towards these products, especially in the Brazilian context. To address this gap, our study aims to investigate the popularity and
acceptance of e-cigarettes in Brazil by analyzing YouTube videos
and their associated comments. We collected an extensive dataset of
videos, channels, comments and their metadata from 2018 to 2023.
Our methodology involved analyzing production and engagement
metrics, and developing a deep learning-based stance detection model to estimate people’s stance (approval or disapproval) based on
comments and quantify the temporal dynamics of these attitudes
over the years. Our findings reveal a significant increase in content
production and user engagement, indicating a growing public interest, with a notable increase in approving comments on the product.
This study fills previous research gaps by offering a comprehensive
and pioneering overview of e-cigarette use and public perception
in Brazil, emphasizing the need for a more informed discussion
among society and regulatory bodies.
Characterization of the Brazilian musical landscape : a study of regional preferences based on the Spotify charts.
(2024) Moura, Filipe Augusto Santos de; Ferreira, Carlos Henrique Gomes; Lima, Helen de Cássia Sousa da Costa
In the digital age, streaming services such as Spotify have changed
the way people consume music, highlighting the enormous influence these platforms have on the market. In the highly competitive
music industry, it is crucial for independent artists in particular to
maintain their popularity. This is especially true in countries like
Brazil, where geographical and cultural differences influence music
consumption patterns. Understanding these patterns is essential for
effective marketing and production strategies. Despite previous research on music consumption, genre preferences and user behavior,
there is a lack of detailed studies on the geographical and cultural
distribution of music preferences in Brazil. Our study fills this gap
by examining musical genre preferences and acoustic features of
tracks across Brazilian regions over two years. We collected Spotify chart data from 2022 and 2023, modeled bipartite genre-city
networks, and used backbone extraction methods to highlight significant genre preferences. Temporal analysis revealed patterns and
persistence of musical preferences across cities, while clustering
techniques revealed regional and cultural differences in acoustic
features. Our results show that genre preferences are stable across
Brazilian regions, with important genres emphasized by backbone
networks. Persistence analysis suggests minimal changes over time,
except during major holidays. Furthermore, Brazilian city clusters
exhibit distinct acoustic patterns regardless of music genres, with
notable differences in features such as liveliness, speechiness, and
valence. This research provides new insights into regional musical
diversity in Brazil and paves the way for future studies on cultural
and geographical influences on music preferences.
On compact groups with Engel-like conditions.
(2023) Bastos Júnior, Raimundo de Araújo; Silveira, Danilo Sanção da
Let G be a compact Hausdorff group. We show that if for every element x∈G
there exists a positive integer q=q(x)
such that xq is Engel, then G is locally virtually nilpotent. Furthermore, we show that if G is a finitely generated compact Hausdorff group in which any commutator [x,y]
in G is Engel, then the commutator subgroup G′
is locally nilpotent.
Non-singular derivations of solvable Lie algebras in prime characteristic.
(2019) Lima, Marcos Goulart; Schneider, Csaba
We study solvable Lie algebras in prime characteristic p that
admit non-singular derivations. We show that Jacobson’s
Theorem remains true if the quotients of the derived series
have dimension less than p. We also study the structure of Lie
algebras with non-singular derivations in which the derived
subalgebra is abelian and has codimension one. The paper
presents some new examples of solvable, but not nilpotent,
Lie algebras of derived length 3 with non-singular derivations.